Since I know some of my Buffy-related readers are into fan fiction, I thought you might enjoy this passionate (and delightful) defense of it from a literary history perspective: Cheers! The Smashed poll is almost ready, except I have to go to work now!Continue Reading

R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, reacts to the rapid progress on gay rights: From the Boy Scouts to the British Parliament: Left behind? Conservative Christians and the gay revolution The piece seemed interesting to me for its sad, resigned tone — the tone ofContinue Reading

The finger wounds that started to bug me over the weekend were actually a return of the dyshidrotic eczema that has plagued me periodically throughout my life. Usually, when it appears, it is painful and irritating for a couple of weeks, then it goes away. Except in the summer/fall ofContinue Reading

( and I find ourselves discussing the weird puppet cat on Sabrina the Teenage Witch for some reason) Me: I think the cat was supposed to be an enchanted human, wasn't he? That's why he could talk and stuff? Paul: Was he supposed to be enchanted into a puppet catContinue Reading

I know, I know, but sometimes when I pass the USA Today paper box I scan the headlines for what’s up in the moderately right-leaning mainstream zeitgeist. Those guys fluffed McCain something fierce in 2008 — they seem a little less enthused about Romney, at least, so far. But theContinue Reading

What is this I see? Yet more lit snobbery to wrestle with? Some Books Are More Equal Than Others by By Clare Needell Hollander. I read this courtesy and knew I had many objections, but I felt like taking the time to break them down somewhat carefully. The snobbery inContinue Reading