It occurred to me yesterday that the contest between Obama and Clinton for the Democratic nomination has turned into a bullseye endgame. This is something that happens when Paul and I play real pub darts (you know, the pointy metal kind)*. We’re playing Cricket. Player 1 is lower in points,Continue Reading

So, you’ve heard about the open-source boob project controversy, right? Well, now you have. I will summarize, with prejudice: some pervs hanging out at Penguicon decided that people aren’t rude enough already and it should be easier to proposition random strangers re: copping a feel. In the interest of thatContinue Reading

Keffy, one of my partners in crime — er, literature — er, comics — got accepted to the Clarion Writers Workshop, and needs cash to be able to go. If any of you out there would like to donate, here is the post with the PayPal link: Clarion is Expensive.Continue Reading

It has recently come to my attention that presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s unimpressive bowling score has led some pundits to actually question his fitness for office. Chris Matthews : “the fact that he’s that terrible at bowling does make you wonder.” Joe Scarborough and Willie Geist: “You know Willie, theContinue Reading