How to Write a Book Review – Easy-Peasy

Our own Love Witch/Ms Witch, Jasmine Silvera shared her quick-n-dirty guide to book and story reviews with us. We’re delighted to share it with everyone.

Review Writing Cheat Sheet*

  • Be specific
    • Focus on one thing you liked: “I enjoyed the mature relationship built on respect!”
  • Short and Sweet
    • A useful review can be the length of a tweet.
  • Remember “Designer Imposter” Perfume?
    • Comparisons to other books or authors are a great way to help sub-genre lovers: “If you like Ilona Andrews, try this book!”
  • “Negative” Reviews can be Helpful Too
    • Don’t be afraid to say what didn’t work. Being specific makes it helpful to others. One person’s “meh” may be another’s catnip: “I do not enjoy gallows humor, so this book was not for me.”

Happy Reviewing!


Über Sexy Urban Fantasy

*Leaving a review helps readers find new authors and books to enjoy. Amazon & Goodreads get all the glory, but a blog or facebook post works too!