Okay, another case where I only have ten minutes to post something but at least this keyboard has all its keys. We have been in Jakarta two nights. The Hilton is pretty nice, although apparently several foreign governments have issued warnings that this hotel is a terrorist target. We sawContinue Reading

hmm…the shift doesn’t seem to be working…the singapore airport has free massage chairs and free internet terminals. i used the massage chair already. they are a little unnerving because they have these cuffs that squeeze your legs — so for a moment you’re immobilized. like a supervillain chair. so hereContinue Reading

Mr. Edward Gorey, that is, who died in a rather ordinary fashion, following a heart attack, at the age of seventy-five. He died on April 15, 2000, a date fraught with menace as the first tax day of the two-thousands. Except, this year April 15 fell on a Saturday, andContinue Reading