I decided that I would be more likely to get all my photos uploaded if I gave myself permission to process only one day at a time. So here is Thursday: Montreal WorldCon Thursday Nothing very embarrassing, although you do get a rather nice view of ‘s hair from above.Continue Reading

I was trying earlier to describe my relationship to my subconscious mind, and I was overextending a metaphor about ships being piloted through narrow passageways full of zombies and sharp rocks. Then it hit me: my subconscious is like a Magic 8-Ball. It’s got a kind of Tardis thing goingContinue Reading

This season five episode where Buffy and Riley split up gets props for having the same name as a Stephen Sondheim musical, but otherwise it’s one of my least favorites in the entire series. There’s something deeply unpleasant and icky about it. (And I say this as one of theContinue Reading

I previously saw one episode from the middle of the first season, and found it interesting but kind of oddly B-movie-ish. That is, it had a lot of bloody, sexy energy but people said and did ridiculous things and were prone to overacting.Continue Reading

Last night I watched the 2008 version with Edward Norton. I also somewhat recently watched, via Hulu, the pilot to the TV series. Now, I really disliked the 2003 Ang Lee Hulk. I thought it was boring, self-important, and nonsensical. I also thought it learned absolutely nothing from the TVContinue Reading

Although Jezebel is how I came to the brilliant Buffy vs. Edward clip, I disagree quite a lot with this analysis of recent vampire trends which concludes women play a supporting role. Basically, it’s confused about what it means to "play a supporting role." It doesn’t mean you’re not theContinue Reading

So, Richard Dawkins is helping to start a new atheist summer camp. It’s more than just an atheist summer camp — it’s a skeptic indoctrination summer camp: "Camp-goers aged eight to 17 will also be taught how to disprove phenomena such as crop circles and telepathy. In the Invisible UnicornContinue Reading

I am back from Alaska. All my digital photos up here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mcjulie Ah, brave new world of instant gratification. I took photos with my manual telephoto as well, but it’ll take a bit for me to get to those. Anyway, the Alaska photos went up right away just because paulcarpContinue Reading