St Paddy’s
Paul and I are going to be here tomorrow night: Reading
Paul and I are going to be here tomorrow night: Reading
Yeah, I saw this movie. Because I just couldn’t help myself. Actually, I ended up liking it more than I feared. I was never actually bored, nor was I seriously pissed off, so, yay!Continue Reading
The Wolfman Saw this remake of the 1941 classic two weeks ago, took notes for a review, and then kind of forgotten that I’d even seen it. Yes, it’s that kind of movie.Continue Reading
I was interested in this article, which is about the pet theory Andy Thomson (psychiatrist at the University of Virginia) has that there is overall an evolutionary advantage to depression: Like most evolutionary psychology theories, it has some interesting stuff but a strong whiff of just-so story about it. (TheContinue Reading
So, remember how back in August I couldn’t bring myself to do a chapter-by-chapter Twilight analysis? Amazingly, it turns out, at that exact same time this guy Mark was reading Twilight so you don’t have to. And coming to conclusions — about the suckiness of the writing and the creepinessContinue Reading
…and for some unholy reason thought it was a good idea to plaster your disgusting chewed gum on the back of the seat in front of the one I was sitting in so that it could get STUCK TO THE SIDE OF MY SHOE AND PROBABLY RUIN MY FRICKING SHOEContinue Reading
Thanks to and we have a winner: ——–Finding out you’re a werewolf would be a pain in the ass for anyone trying to live a normal life in a modern American city – especially if you’re a struggling vet whose patients now smell like dinner. For a grievingContinue Reading
Dear Internet, thank you for playing Julie’s Novel Mad Libs. Since I am now determined — determined, I say! — to come up with a one-sentence (or logline, as I now know to call them) that seems exciting to , we are going at this again, after much noodling onContinue Reading
So, I have this novel-type thing that I’ve been working on and it occurred to me over the weekend that I need to come up with the catchy pitch for it. I kicked around The Player-style pitches (Hamlet meets Fight Club! Sex and the City meets The Wolfman!) but noneContinue Reading
So, when you’re sitting in a bar, because you want to drink an excellent German beer while ruminating on the plot of your current novel, staring at the sports on the TV is kind of a useful thing, because it gives your eyes something to look at while your brainContinue Reading
My Radcon panel schedule is below the cut. Fri Feb 12 4:00:pm Fri Feb 12 5:00:pm Is Gore Horror ? Cobalt Join us in a frank discussion on what is horror and what is gratuitous violence. Jenna Pittman Lorelei Shannon McGalliard, Julie Morgan, Christine Rousselle, Allan Fri Feb 12 5:00:pmContinue Reading
In 2006, I made a vow to the powers that be that if the New Orleans Saints went to the Superbowl I would watch the Superbowl. claimed that vow only applied to the 2006-07 season, but I stuck by it. Nope. I made a vow. I wasn’t about to renegeContinue Reading
Saw this in spite of the middling reviews, because, you know, Peter Jackson and all. Also it looked kind of intriguing. And it is. Kind of. Intriguing. Still, I do not recommend it. To dispense with its charms: The cast is pretty good. Stanley Tucci is the creepy standout asContinue Reading