: Remember back when we were kids and we had to check chocolate bars for worms?  ,  ,  : Uh, what? : You’d look for holes in the chocolate and if there were holes you broke it in half, and if you saw webs you wouldn’t eat it?  ,  ,Continue Reading

or, Ethan Hawke, Vampire Slayer An entertaining vampocalypse movie that still misses the chance to be really good. It begins beautifully. We watch an apparent 12-year-old writing a note to her parents and then going to sit outside in the predawn glow. We cut back and forth between things likeContinue Reading

Yes, I did eventually decide to see New Moon on its final day at the Cinerama. My thinking was like this: if I had never heard of it before, a movie with solidly middling reviews that promised me hot, shirtless werewolf boys battling hot, shirtless vampire boys would have seemedContinue Reading

Okay, I’m buying tickets for this show: —- Home for the Horrordays is Saturday, December 19th, at El Corazon with Schoolyard Heroes, These Arms Are Snakes, Kane Hodder, Sirens Sister, and special guests. Doors are at 7 pm, it’s all ages, and tickets are available for $15. —- Who’s withContinue Reading

Paul: I read The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Me: Did you like it? Paul: Well, it was fairly well-written. And I’m glad a horror book won a Pulitzer. But you get to the end and — nothing happens. Me: That’s how you can tell it’s literary.Continue Reading

So, when ‘s stinky employer laid him off very suddenly last week — after only four months of employment — after they courted him very aggressively and got him to quit the job he already had — I thought, as one does, of invoking mystical vengeance through sympathetic magic. AfterContinue Reading

I just thought of something. Twilight fans might be overwhelmingly female and largely teenage, but Sarah Palin fans are middle-aged white men, and she gets quite a lot of media backlash. Say what you like about changing demographics and whatnot, but last time I checked middle-aged white men still prettyContinue Reading

This Utne Reader article quotes Sady Doyle’s assertion that Critics Pick on Twilight Fans Because They’re Girls, while at the same time acknowledging that they are both stupid and unfeminist. Doyle’s point seems to be that 1. Twilight is stupid escapist fantasy for girls, 2. Things like Tom Clancy novelsContinue Reading