Stop trying to disappear female geeks!
Say! Did you know that girls hate Game of Thrones ? Well, neither did I. But apparently they do.Continue Reading
Say! Did you know that girls hate Game of Thrones ? Well, neither did I. But apparently they do.Continue Reading
So, I read this thing on Tumblr about why a particular blogger over there doesn’t like female characters, and she got quite self-righteous about her right to dislike them, and I started to feel all ranty, and this is the result.Continue Reading
In 2006, I made a vow to the powers that be that if the New Orleans Saints went to the Superbowl I would watch the Superbowl. claimed that vow only applied to the 2006-07 season, but I stuck by it. Nope. I made a vow. I wasn’t about to renegeContinue Reading
This Utne Reader article quotes Sady Doyle’s assertion that Critics Pick on Twilight Fans Because They’re Girls, while at the same time acknowledging that they are both stupid and unfeminist. Doyle’s point seems to be that 1. Twilight is stupid escapist fantasy for girls, 2. Things like Tom Clancy novelsContinue Reading
According to this new book, Smart Girls Marry Money, anyway. And my career woes would be over. Assuming the summary is accurate, the book is not asking why lady bartenders or lady web developers are “still slaving after forty” — maybe the assumption is that our prospects for marrying millionairesContinue Reading
Hey, wanna get pointlessly outraged? Read this Wall Street Journal editorial by Naomi “I hate my own sex” Schaefer Riley. Ladies, You Should Know Better How feminism wages war on common sense. Okay, first word and I’m already offended. Not quite true. The word “ladies” offends me only in context,Continue Reading