Things that are awesome

Last night kenscholes was in Bellingham, so that today he can read and sign
his book Lamentation at Village Books.

All of these things are awesome. (Ken, Bellingham, his book, and Village Books).

I tagged along on a pub crawl with Ken and his awesome wife jens_fire, who
is pregnant with twin girls, which is pretty awesome. The pub crawl featured
awesome members of the Bellingham Writing Horde, awesome people from out of
town, and at one point we also hung out with awesome members of the Bellingham
Science Fiction Group (bsffc), which included a new person who had just moved to town.
She was knitting something using a very nubbly, raw-looking type of spun wool,
which was dyed the same lime/chartreuse color medly as csinman‘s hair.

Knitting is awesome. New people are awesome. csinman‘s hair is awesome. Sheep
are awesome.

When I asked her how she ended up in Bellingham, her answer was "plate
of shrimp" which is all kinds of awesome.

This pub crawl ended in Fairhaven, which is 3.4 miles away from downtown according
to Google Maps, so we took a taxi. Taxis are expensive, but they are also awesome
because when you need them, they are quite handy. Online map thingys like Google Maps and Mapquest are awesome.

This morning I have a hangover, which I have decided is awesome. I went into
the kitchen to make coffee and saw that paulcarp had taken off his hat and his watch,
and he had the presence of mind to put his watch inside his hat, which he does
so he can find his watch the next morning, but he had put his hat inside a
pan on the stove.

This made me laugh so hard that it must be awesome too.

And also, coffee is awesome.


    1. Author

      He had no idea how it got there, until I found this morning that he had clearly broken off a chunk of cheese. Then suddenly he remembered going into the kitchen to eat cheese. It looked like a mouse had been at it.

  1. Considering the amount you’re laughing, are you sure it’s a hangover you’re suffering from? Or are you still maybe a little bit drunk? :)

    This post is awesome. So is water.

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